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All Public Notes

Likes Note Subject Note Stack Actions
47 HTML/CSS borders Web Fundamentals Like | View
68 VS Code Extentions Misc Like | View
80 Helper Site Misc Like | View
80 W3 Schools SQL Python Like | View
76 SQL Cheatsheet Python Like | View
81 SQL Queries Python Like | View
66 Git and Github Projects and Algos Like | View
79 Validate HTML Web Fundamentals Like | View
67 Flexbox Froggy Web Fundamentals Like | View
73 Spring/Boot Java Like | View

Web Fundamentals Public Notes

Likes Note Subject Content Actions
47 HTML/CSS borders To help visualize your elements while developing a website use the code snippet below. Just be sure to comment it out before going to development Like | View
79 Validate HTML Use this link to validate your html documents Like | View
67 Flexbox Froggy A fun game to help you learn Flexbox Like | View

Python Public Notes

Likes Note Subject Content Actions
80 W3 Schools SQL Good resource for playing with a database and learning the queryies Like | View
76 SQL Cheatsheet Coming from a YouTube video a great pdf that you can use to help with SQL Like | View
81 SQL Queries SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE In normal curcumstances you will only be Inserting, Updating, and Deleting 1 row at a time. You will typically have 2 Select statements 1 for all and 1 for just 1 row or set of rows. Like | View

MERN Public Notes

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Java Public Notes

Likes Note Subject Content Actions
73 Spring/Boot Some notes on what to do when starting a Java application in Sprint Boot Like | View

Projects and Algos Public Notes

Likes Note Subject Content Actions
66 Git and Github During Group projects be sure to name your branch by the feature you are working on as well as your name. Like | View

Misc Developer Public Notes

Likes Note Subject Content Actions
68 VS Code Extentions Bracket Pair Colorizer Code Runner Code Spell Checker Easy LESS indent-rainbow Jinja Snippets JavaScript code Snippets Python Like | View
80 Helper Site Website to show or help visualize some common trouble areas Like | View

Public and Private Notes

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